All Posts by Nikki

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Oct 22

YACC: Jesus heals a blind man

Today’s YACC session is looking at the reading Mark 10 v46-52 Some questions to think about and discuss in your families:  What amazing thing happened in the reading?  How do you think you would of felt if this was you in the reading?  How do you think his life changed after meeting Jesus? Here is the Bible video […]

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Oct 16

YACC: 17th October

This week we are exploring the Bible reading Mark 10 v35-45: God wants us to serve others. To love each other and serve each other. To all be equal and to follow him. In your families can you think about / discuss how you can make a new person welcome here at Church? or at […]

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Oct 09

YACC 10/10/2021 God’s kingdom first

Today’s YACC session is looking at the bible reading from Mark 10 17-31. Thinking about God’s kingdom first before anything else we have, own and want.  With your family think about what things you have that are your real treasures, your favourite cuddly toy and your favourite book. Do you have a particular favourite thing […]

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Oct 02

YACC: Draw closer to God

Today we are going to be looking at the part of the bible in the book of Mark.   Mark 10: V 13-16 Our Worship Videos for today are:  Insert Image Together at home have got some good activities and colouring to try at home linked with drawing closer to God 

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Sep 18

YACC: James 3 Don’t Argue

Today’s YACC session is looking at James 3 v14 4-8 and is called Don’t Argue  Today we are going to think about ways that we can try to be calmer, kinder and better Christians.  In order for us to be calmer we need to be able to learn more about ourselves and then we can […]

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Sep 11

YACC: Speak kindly

This week’s YACC session continues to look at James.   The bible reading is James 3 v 1-12  JAMES 3   Controlling the Things We Say   1My brothers, not many of you should become teachers. You know that we who teach will be judged more strictly than others. 2We all make many mistakes. If there […]

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Sep 04

YACC James 2 1-17 Care for all

Over the next few weeks we will be exploring the Bible stories of James. Today we are looking at James 2 1-17 and looking at how we can care for all.  Lets explore some Bible videos that explore James 2 1-17 some more Have you ever noticed people being treated differently because they did not […]

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Aug 20

Superhero week 5: Esther

This week is our last of our Superhero Bible sessions. We are exploring Esther’s journey. We are mainly looking at the Bible reading from Esther 2  Explore Esther’s journey by using the activity card below:  Watch the Bible story video’s below to help you explore the reading from Esther 2  What did you learn from […]

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Aug 13

Superhero week 4: David

This week we are exploring Superhero Week 4: The Story of David. The reading we are looking at is 1 Samuel 17  David and Goliath 17 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Sokoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Sokoh and Azekah. 2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in the […]

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Aug 07

YACC: Superhero Week 3: Moses

This week we are looking at our Superhero Moses! We will look at all of Moses life but our reading today focuses on Exodus 2 v 1-10    We hope you enjoy our worship videos Using the activity card at the top of this post can you try out some of the suggested activities? 

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