Reverend Canon Jenny Fennell // Vicar
I have been Vicar here at St Francis since 2010 and ordained since 2002. I have a passion for creating communities and making sure that the church provides an opportunity for all to encounter God and fellowship.
I work closely with the Children and Families' Worker and we are always keen to meet new people. Do make yourself known if you are new or have any questions.
If you want to email me - you can do so on

Nikki Clare // Children and Families Worker
Nikki is currently on parental leave and will be returning in September 2024. Our weekday groups are currently closed whilst we recruit a new team member.
Hi I'm Nikki.
I've been here at St Francis Church as a member of the congregation for over 12 years, part of YACC team for 10 years and I've been in post for seven years now. I have a diploma in Childcare, NNEB, with 22 years experience in Childcare, having worked in various settings and with lots of different professional groups. I am also a fulltime mum to two children.
I love my job here at St Francis! We have an amazing congregation. I am lucky enough to work with a great team of volunteers.
We really look forward to welcoming your family here at St Francis!
I'm based here at St Francis on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and during Sunday services. I currently manage the YACC team and run Toddle time, Baby group and lead the Pre-school section of YACC on Sundays. I also help out with and organise some larger scale events which involve the whole Church family.