Category Archives for "Youth and Children"

Mar 28

Holy Week: Tuesday

Today we are going to be looking at Jesus washing his disciples feet and John 13 1-17  Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet13 It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them […]

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Mar 28

Holy Week: Monday

As we journey through Holy week we will be posting up daily activities, bible readings, story videos and worship songs.  Today we explore Holy Monday, Holy week and The Easter Story:  Jesus Predicts His Death   John 12 20-3620 Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the festival. 21 They came to Philip, who was […]

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Mar 26

YACC Palm Sunday 28th March

Why not make a Palm leaf and then print off some of the worksheets / colouring in and listen to Bible story and reflect about why Palm Sunday is such an important story and why the Donkey is significant. 

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Mar 21

Lent Challenge 2021

Welcome to Day 1 of our* Lent Challenge as we count down to Easter. The king needs to get to the capital city. DESIGN A VEHICLE FIT FOR A KING!⁠ Two thousand years ago there were no cars or planes, limousines or spaceships. 2000 years ago in Israel (the country Jesus came from) the fastest way […]

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Mar 12

YACC Hannah 1 Samuel 1

How can you tell someone is strong? If I could do 10 push ups would I be strong? 20? 30? 40 push ups? I don’t think I could do that many!! Well I am not super strong, but today we are going to talk about God being strong. How can you tell how strong God is? […]

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Feb 26

YACC Jesus predicts his own death

Some questions to think about…… How do you think the disciples felt that Jesus would save us?  Do you think the disciples expected Jesus to die to save us all?  What super hero skills do you think Jesus had?  

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Feb 12

YACC Jesus is transformed Sunday 14th Feb

Today’s questions link into our bible videos are:  I wonder what your favourite part of the story was  I wonder what the most important part of that story was  I wonder what Peter,  James & John felt when they saw that Jesus had changed & that Moses & Elijah had appeared  I wonder how they felt when they heard […]

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