Category Archives for "Reflections"

Jun 25

Messy Vintage Church: 25th June

Messy Vintage Church Today we can reflect on The Lord’s Prayer, its significance and what it means to us. Below is The Lord’s Prayer, a craft and a beautiful worship song that is a favourite at our Women’s group. Make a Rustic Cross Using Sticks and Twine Take sticks and wrap them tightly in 2 bundles, using jute twine. […]

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Jun 18

Messy Vintage Church: Finding Jesus in unexpected places

Today’s Messy Vintage Church session is about finding God in unexpected places. Looking at John 4 1-29 Jesus Talks With a Samaritan WomanNow Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John— 2 although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. 3 So he […]

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Jun 11

11th June: Vintage Church

Messy Vintage Today’s Messy Vintage activity is to make nail art crosses. You will need a piece of wood 5x7inches, some coloured wood or string, 12 nails & a hammer. Piece of paper, ruler & pencil. Pre draw your cross out and then put it on top of your wood. Hammer your nails as the set places, please […]

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Jun 03

Messy Vintage Church: Pentecost

Hi Everyone  This week’s Messy Vintage Church session is looking at Pentecost, Looking at Act 2 1-4 in the Bible.  1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what […]

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May 31

Day 11: Thy Kingdom Come: Pentecost

Day 11: Thy Kingdom Come: Pentecost The prayer journal for today is below for you to print off or read and reflect.Our YACC activity for today is to make a Pentecost stained glass window using black card and yellow and orange tissue paper.

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May 30

Day 10: Thy Kingdom Come: Silence

Day 10: Thy Kingdom Come is Silence Please find the prayer journal page for today below for you to print off or read and reflect Our YACC activity for today is: Day 10: Spreading hearts prayers Watch as the hearts spread out to include those you are praying for. You will need: cups with about an inch of […]

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May 29

Day 9: Thy Kingdom Come: Celebrate

Day 9: Celebrate: Today’s focus is celebration. Below is today’s activity and the prayer journal. Fizzy Explosion Prayers Today’s activity is showing our Praise for God as we give Thanks and celebrate those special people in our lives! Explosive Prayers You will need: Bicarbonate of soda; white vinegar;food colouring; eye droppers (or a straw that you dip in the […]

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May 28

Day 8: Thy Kingdom Come: Adore

Day 8 of Thy Kingdom Come is AdoreThe prayer journal for today is below for you to print off or read and reflect. Our YACC activity for today is Adore: Yarn wrapped Hearts Cut two large hearts out of cardboard & then cut a heart out of the middle as well. Paint both sides of your heart […]

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May 26

Day 7: Thy Kingdom Come: Help

Day 7 Wednesday 27th May Today, our Family prayer prompt is ‘help’ and the parable of the good Samaritan. Below is a short video clip that tells the parable:  Luke 10:27 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and Love your […]

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May 26

Day 6: Thy Kingdom Come: Pray for

Day 6: Thy Kingdom Come: Pray for Today’s prayer journal is below for you to print off or read and reflect Today’s YACC activity is to pray for the world. Using the map below and following the directions on the side please print off map and pray for our world and everyone in it.

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