Feb 08

Jesus is our superhero! YACC party session

We are looking at and exploring Superheroes of the Bible! https://stfranciswgc.org.uk/yacc-superhero-week-1-abraham/https://stfranciswgc.org.uk/yacc-superhero-week-2-joseph/https://stfranciswgc.org.uk/yacc-superhero-week-3-moses/https://stfranciswgc.org.uk/superhero-week-4-david/https://stfranciswgc.org.uk/superhero-week-5-esther/ Our worship party songs are: Why not try some Superhero games and craft at home?! How is Jesus your superhero?  How can we be more like Jesus?  What superhero type things can we do in everyday life and in our community/school/home/congregation to make a difference and be […]

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Jan 29

Jesus presented at the temple

This week we are exploring the reading from Luke 2 V22-40 Here are the bible videos to help you explore the readings some more;  Can you explore these questions together?  Our worship songs for this week are:

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Jan 21

Jesus rejected at Nazareth

Our bible reading this week is from Luke 4 v14-21 Can you watch the bible videos below and then answer the questions about the reading?  Why not try out some activities at home?  Our worship songs this week are:

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Jan 21

Jesus is baptised

Our bible reading this week is from Luke 3  Our bible videos below will help you explore the readings some more  Our worship videos this week are: 

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Jan 21


Our bible reading for today’s session is from Mark 2 V1-12 Here are the bible videos to help you explore the bible reading our worship songs for this week are: 

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Jan 11

Sunday 12th January – Baptism of Christ

Pew leaflet/Weekly news Welcome to our Communion Service for the 1st Sunday after Epiphany, when we celebrate the Baptism of Christ,  whether you are joining us for the first time or are regularly with us. It is a pleasure to be able to bring you these services and worship together.  The church is open for public […]

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