Messy Vintage Church: 25th June

Jun 25

Messy Vintage Church

Today we can reflect on The Lord's Prayer, its significance and what it means to us.

Below is The Lord's Prayer, a craft and a beautiful worship song that is a favourite at our Women's group.

Make a Rustic Cross Using Sticks and Twine

Take sticks and wrap them tightly in 2 bundles, using jute twine. When wrapping, I left the starting end longer so after I finished wrapping the sticks I could make a knot with the other end of the twine, so that the bundle would be tightly fastened.

I then wrapped the two bundles of sticks tightly together, using jute twine, to make a cross. Again I left the ends of the jute twine longer so they could be tied in knots. I then made a very small hanger using jute twine to thread through the back of the jute bundles, so that the cross could be fastened to a nail on the wall.

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