This week we are looking at 'When Jesus appears to his disciples and then later to Thomas' we are exploring the Bible reading from John 20 v 19-31

Here are some Bible story videos to help you explore this week's Bible reading some more:
There were still many, Jews and Soldiers, who were still trying to arrest Jesus' followers after Jesus died on the cross.
How do you think the disciples may of felt about telling others that he has risen and that they have seen him?
Do you think this may of stopped them spreading the good news or maybe effect how loudly they told the good news?
Why didn't Thomas believe the other disciples?
What did Thomas say he would need to do if he saw Jesus again?
What happens in Church when we offer each other a sign of peace? What might that look like?
How can we look after each other and bring peace to all that we do and stand for?
Below are our worship songs for this week:
Heavenly Father, may my child not fear, for you are with them. As I place my children in your mighty, loving hands, give me peace, knowing that you are right by their side. Please replace their fears with the strength and courage to face whatever the day brings. Give my children a real sense that Jesus is with them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.