All Posts by Nikki

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Apr 11

Holy Tuesday

Today’s session is looking at Holy Tuesday. Our reading today is Matthew 21 v 33-46Below are today’s Bible story videos to help you explore the Bible reading  Some questions for you to think about and discuss with your families:  What did Jesus ask the tenants?  Why did the tenants reject Jesus?  ‘God is a God of love, who […]

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Apr 11

Holy Monday

Everyday during Holy Week we will be posting a daily bible reading, bible story videos and worship songs. There will be activity suggestions on the activity cards that you could try and do at home.  Today’s session looks at Holy Monday, Matthew 21 v12-15 Jesus clears the temple.  Below is the activity card and today’s Bible […]

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Apr 04

Palm Sunday 2022

This Sunday’s YACC session is on Palm Sunday and we will be exploring Luke 19 v28-40  Below are some Bible videos to help you explore the reading some more What would you do if a King visited you and your family?  How would you feel?  Why did people lay down palm branches and cloaks before Jesus?  What do […]

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Mar 18

YACC: Psalm 63 Wishing to be near God

This week we are exploring Psalm 63, Wishing to be near God Here are our video’s to help you explore the Psalm:  What are Psalms?  The Book of Psalms was compiled over a period of hundreds of years. It contains five collections or ‘books’ of psalms (religious songs and prayers) written by many different authors including Moses […]

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Mar 12

YACC: Psalm 27 Trust in God

This week in YACC we are looking at Psalm 27, Trusting God  Here is a link to a Child friendly version: Below is the version in NIV Our Bible video’s for this week’s session are:  Following God asks us to be strong and patient. Knowing that he is always by our side, always listening, always with […]

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Mar 04

YACC: Jesus is tempted

This week in our YACC session we are exploring the Bible reading from Luke 4 verses 1-13, looking at when Jesus is tempted in the Wilderness Below are some video’s to help you explore today’s reading What was Saturn trying to do to Jesus whilst he was in the wilderness?  How long was Jesus in the […]

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Feb 25

YACC: Jesus is transfiguration

This week we are looking at the transfiguration, from the Bible reading Luke 9 v28-36, where Jesus talks to Moses and Elijah.  Here are the Activity cards for today’s session to work through together:  Below are the Bible story videos that will help to explain the Bible reading  What not discuss the questions on the […]

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Feb 18

YACC: Jesus Calms the Storm

This week’s Bible reading is from Luke 8 v22-25 and is where we learn about when Jesus calms the Storm Below are some Bible Video clips to help you and your family explore the reading  Some questions to explore together: What do you think the disciples were most afraid of? How did Jesus calm the storm? How did […]

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Feb 10

YACC: Jesus’ Blessings

This week we are looking at the Bible reading called Jesus’ blessings (Sermon on the mount) The reading is from Luke 6 17-2617 He went down with them and stood on a level place.            A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over […]

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Feb 04

YACC: Jesus calls his disciples

This week’s Youth and Children’s Church session is looking at when Jesus calls his first Disciples. We will be exploring the reading of Luke 5 verses 1-11 Here are a selection of Bible story clips that will help you to learn more about todays Bible reading.  Some questions that you could talk about as a […]

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