YACC: The Good Shepherd

May 06

This week our YACC session is looking at 'The Good Shepherd' from the Bible reading John 10 v22-30 

Below is the activity cards to help you explore the Bible reading more at home by exploring some of the suggested activities. 

Here are the Bible story videos to help you further explore today's reading from the Bible:

Today's questions to think about are: 

How does a good shepherd look after his sheep? 

Why do you think Jesus described himself as a good shepherd? 

How can we be a good sheep? 

What can we do to be a good shepherd to others? 

Ask your grown up if they have felt of a time or situation where God has guided them like a shepherd.

Today's Prayer: 

So we give thanks to you our Lord and Shepherd, Help us to see the sheep who are clothed in grace and the sheep who are jumping at shadows, the sheep who hunger for the kingdom and the sheep who remember to leap in joy. Remind us that there is no wrong kind of sheep, and that we, each and every one of us, belong to the shepherd.

In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.


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