YACC 10/10/2021 God’s kingdom first

Oct 09

Today's YACC session is looking at the bible reading from Mark 10 17-31. Thinking about God's kingdom first before anything else we have, own and want. 

With your family think about what things you have that are your real treasures, your favourite cuddly toy and your favourite book. Do you have a particular favourite thing or area in your house? What about in your garden? 

As a family talk about how hard it would be to give these up. Can you relate to how the rich man in the reading felt? 

What does Jesus ask the rich man to do? Is he able to do it? What did Jesus say to his disciples? 

Watch the Bible videos below to find out more about todays reading 

Here are today's worship videos:

Why not try playing Simon says with your family and see if you can follow it 

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