Apr 09

Meditation on the Washing of the Feet

“It is more blessed to give than to receive”I would like us to think about the night of the Last Supper and how at Our Lord got up, took a basin and washed the feet of his apostles.Imagine how you would feel if Jesus were about to wash our feet. (Pause – 1 min)I expect […]

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Apr 08

Maundy Thursday Service – 2020

Welcome to our Maundy Thursday ServiceThe order of service is below. Please download it if you would like to follow along. You can press play on the service at any point after it goes live at 8.00 pm on Thursday. This will enable you to show your appreciation to the Key Workers in the NHS […]

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Apr 08

Easter Quiz

Easter Quiz  Questions and awnsers 1:True or false: Easter has a fixed date? 2:What type of bun is traditionally eaten on Good Friday? 3:When do Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus? 4:Can you unscramble the name of a famous Easter character:  RESTEA NYNUB 5:Which of the following cakes is traditionally eaten at Easter time: a) Battenberg, b) Panettone, c) Simnel […]

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Apr 08

Wednesday of Holy Week reflection by Wendy Sellers

This is the worship service that Wendy Sellers was coming back to lead for us this evening in church. It is lovely that you can worship with her remotely during this Holy Week. The Last Seven Words of Our Saviour on the Cross It is suggested you read this aloud. If there are two of […]

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Apr 07

How to make an Easter Garden

To make an Easter Garden you will need * A shallow tray or dish *Garden soil or potting compost *Moss, cut grass or sand *Dried twigs *Sewing thread *Small pot *Flat stone large enough to cover the mouth of the pot *Egg cups (or other small containers) *Small flowers *Gravel  and white material To Make: 1. Fill the tray with soil or potting compost. 2. Arrange it to […]

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Apr 07

Sugar free Muffins

Apple and banana muffins If like me you’ve given up sugar for Lent and are craving something yummy to eat, try these: https://www.mummycooks.com/blogs/recipes/apple-banana-muffins

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Apr 07

Messy Church Vintage: Easter ideas for Youth & Adults

Welcome to Messy Church Vintage A Christian craft based group for Youth and Adults. On this page you will find a wonderful selection of Easter themed craft you can do at home. Huge thanks to Claire, Children’s and Families team for finding such wonderful crafts. Egg box spring wreath If you’ve managed to find eggs, then don’t throw […]

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