All Posts by Nikki

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May 22

Thy Kingdom Come: Day Two

Day 2: PRAISE Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Activity Wow! Wax Resist Painting Prayers Q What makes you say Wow? In this prayer activity we are going to praise God for the things in our lives that make us amazed and awe struck! You will need: White card/paper; light coloured wax crayon or a white wax candle; paint (watered […]

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May 21

Thy Kingdom Come: Day one

Each day of The Kingdom Come, we will post the relevant Prayer Journal page where you can find a passage from the Bible, a short reflection, a prayer, and a suggestion for action. You can find the printable version here: out all about the Thy Kingdom Come Family Prayer Adventure Map with The Most Reverend Justin […]

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May 20

Thy Kingdom Come 2020

The global wave of prayer, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ starts tomorrow, Thursday 21st May. From Ascension to Pentecost (21st – 31st May), Christians around the world are asked to pray – that people will know more of Jesus in their lives. Thy Kingdom Come was launched by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016, and has seen […]

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May 13

Messy Vintage Church: Jesus the way, truth and life

Welcome to Vintage Church, this week we are going to look at the bible reading 1 John 1:7, Maria Gomez and her life, with the opportunity reflect on our own Christian journey whilst colouring in a cross of our choice. We will also have some reflective music to listen to. I hope you find this […]

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May 13

Christian Aid Week 2020

Christian aid week 2020 Who are they? What do they do? “We are a partnership of people, churches and local organisations committed to ending poverty worldwide” “For over 70 years, we’ve been standing with the poorest of our neighbours. We work in 37 countries, with people of all faiths and none, to stand up for dignity, equality and […]

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May 04

UK Blessing

A Combination of Churches all over the UK to produce this beautiful song during the 2020 pandemic.  May his favour be upon you and your children and their children. Amen  Our Church doors may be closed but we are very much open and alive. Together as one. 

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May 04

VE Day activity pages

This week we will be taking part in a themed week to celebrate VE day on Friday 8th May. We will post something up for families on Mon/Wed/Fri & Sunday. On Thursday we will have VE Messy Church vintage post which will show you how to make bunting, cakes & food ready for your indoor VE day […]

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