Children’s Church: Sunday 8th September: Jesus heals

Sep 06

Welcome back to Children's Church. We hope you have a great Summer and that you are looking forward to joining us for our Children's Church sessions in person during our 9.15 service or online by viewing the content below! 

This Sunday's Bible reading is from Mark 7: V24-37

Watch the video's below to help you explore the Bible reading further. 

Now you've thought about the Bible reading some more can you think about these questions? 

What miracles did Jesus perform in the bible reading today?

Why was everybody talking about it and about Jesus?

Have you ever seen a miracle?

What other miracles have you read about that Jesus performed in the Bible? 

Some activities to try at home: 

Some worship songs to dance and sing along with!

Our closing prayer for today: 

Dear Lord,

I know you are here with me now as I pray. Help me sense your loving presence and listen as you speak.

Help me to choose to find moments throughout my day to spend with you, listening to what you have to say. Help me tune into your voice above all else. Thank you for the peace that comes when I take the time to really listen.

In Jesus’ name, I pray,


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