This week we are looking at Our World: Poverty. We are reading Mark 10 V17-27 in the Bible.

Let's look at the Bible video's to help us explore the reading further

Our Worship songs this week are:
We close in Prayer:
Loving and almighty God,
We pray for all who are working to combat the growing food crisis: For international aid agencies and local community organisations. And in particular we pray for those in positions of power. May the leaders of the nations act with wisdom and compassion Bringing relief to those who suffer now
And moving us towards a world without hunger.
We pray for our sisters and brothers caught up in a cycle of drought and hunger: for parents struggling to find food and seeing their children go hungry, for farmers seeing their crops fail and livestock die.
We pray for ourselves:
May we share generously from the abundance that you have given us and join our voices with those who call for an end to poverty, that lives may be saved and rebuilt with hope for the future. May we act in your name Lord and be an instrument of your grace.