Day 2: PRAISE Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Activity
Wow! Wax Resist Painting Prayers
Q What makes you say Wow? In this prayer activity we are going to praise God for the things in our lives that make us amazed and awe struck!
You will need:
White card/paper; light coloured wax crayon or a white wax candle; paint (watered down); paintbrush.
1. Write or draw some things that make you say 'Wow!' on the paper with the crayon/candle. e.g. A favourite place or a wild animal etc.
2. Pick a colour to paint over your wax word or picture.
3. Whilst you are revealing your Wow Wax resist, praise God for those things.
Think about: Whether you are lucky enough to enjoy the Wow thing? Are you able to share it with others? Will you always be able to say 'Wow' or does it need protecting or preserving?