Nov 05

Climate Change: Genesis 1

Today we are exploring Climate Change and Creation. We will be looking at the reading from Genesis 1 and Genesis 3 Let’s watch this video to help us explore Genesis 1 Here is the Bible reading Genesis 3 for you to explore: The Fall3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had […]

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Oct 08

YACC: The promise of protection

This week for our Children’s Church session on Sunday 9th October we are looking at The promise of protection.  We are looking at Psalm 66 Our closing prayer is the Irish blessing:  “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; […]

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Oct 01

YACC The promise of Hope

During our Youth and Children’s Church session we are looking at Psalm 37 V 1-9, The Promise of Hope  Below are two videos exploring the psalm above  As a family why not try answering the questions above?  Below are our worship songs for this half term: Our closing prayer is The Irish Blessing

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Sep 16

YACC: The dishonest steward / True Wealth

Today’s Youth and Children’s Church session is looking at the parable ‘The dishonest Steward’ from the Bible reading from Luke 16 v1-13  Below is our activity card and some questions for you to discuss after you have watched the two videos that will help you to explore the Bible reading further.  Now you have watched […]

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Jul 15

YACC: Amos and the ripe fruit

This weekend we are looking at the Prophet Amos, and the ripe fruit. The Bible reading is Amos 8 v1-12 Now you have read the Bible reading why not watch the Bible videos below and then try answering the questions in the above activity card?  Using the activity card below see if you can try […]

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