Welcome to our Communion Service for the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany, whether you are joining us for the first time or are regularly with us. It is a pleasure to be able to bring you these services and worship together.
The church is open for public worship (8am and 9.15am on Sundays, 7.30pm Tuesdays & 10.30am Wednesdays). We are very aware that for some people the option of coming to church is still not possible or you are just not ready for this step yet. We will be continuing to provide worship via this site.
The service will be live below by 12noon.
Our pattern of worship for this week will be:
Monday 9pm Compline online via this website & Facebook
Tuesday 7.30pm Said Eucharist in church
Wednesday 10.30am Said Communion in church; 8pm Zoom Prayer Meeting
Thursday 9pm Compline online via this website and Facebook