For today's session it felt appropraite to do a prayer walk during our Sponsored Ride and Stride event week.
A prayer walk is exactly what it sounds like: a walk filled with prayer. Prayer walking has been woven through the history of the British church for centuries. People would walk from Cathedral city to Cathedral city on pilgrimage, and these pilgrimages were all about prayer.
Still today, many Anglican churches mark Rogation Sunday with a prayer walk around their parish boundaries. This tradition is called ‘beating the bounds’, and is an act of claiming the ground for God in prayer.
Prayer walking simply involves walking around your community (either alone or in a group), praying for the places and people you see around you. You may plan to stop at specific locations, or you may just walk and see where the Spirit leads – either way, it’s an exciting and engaging way to pray.
God told Joshua: ‘I will give you every place where you set your foot’ (Joshua 1:3 NIV), and there is something powerful and significant about making our prayers physical: expressing our longings for places by going and standing there to pray
The following websites have some really inspiring prayer walk information and ideas:…/resources/prayer_walk.html…/…/documents/1374217706.pdf
If you are unable to go on a prayer walk then phone a friend or family member and pray about your community, the schools, shops, surgeries, parks, points of interest, congregation members and special places or people to you.