All Posts by Nikki

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Apr 02

Holy Monday 2023

Join us everyday throughout Holy week as we explore the Easter Story. Today it is Holy Monday, lets learn what that means. Today’s reading is from Luke 19 v45-48 Jesus goes into the Temple Watch today’s Bible video to learn more about the readings Below are some activities and questions to think about: Our worship […]

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Apr 01

Children’s Church: 2nd April: Palm Sunday

This Sunday we are looking at Palm Sunday. The Bible reading we are exploring is Matthew 21 V1-11 Explore the Bible videos below to help you explore the reading further. You can also watch the full story of Easter so you can see from Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter day.  Can you answer any […]

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Mar 24

Children’s Church: 5th Week of Lent

This Sunday is the start of the 5th week of lent. We are looking at ‘Living with what we have got’  We are exploring Bible verses from Matthew 7 V7-11 and Matthew 11 v29-30 Watch the Bible video below to help you explore some more: Some questions to think about and discuss Why not try out […]

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Mar 04

2nd Week of Lent: Being ourselves/Do not worry

During the second week of Lent, children’s Church are looking at and thinking about being a Christian and our relationship with God, Here are the Bible videos to help us explore Lent and our Bible readings today:  Can you explore the questions below with your family or friends? Why not try some of the activities […]

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Feb 24

Youth & Children’s Church: First week of Lent

This week we are exploring the first week of Lent. You will of already celebrated Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake day. The following day was Ash Wednesday, which marks the first day of Lent.  How can we be ready for Jesus? How can we change so we can be prepared? What changes can we […]

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Feb 04

Be the salt & light

This Sunday we are looking at the Bible reading from Matthew 5 v13-20, Be the salt and light  Below are some Bible story videos to help you explore the reading further:  As a family why not try and see if you can answer some of the questions below, try making salt dough and try out […]

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Jan 27

Jesus’ first miracle

This Sunday we are exploring Jesus’ first miracle, during the Wedding at Cana. We are looking at the Bible reading from John 2 verse 1-12   Jesus Changes Water Into Wine John 2 v1-12 NIV   On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus […]

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