Monthly Archives: September 2024

Sep 17

Funeral Service for James Coldrey

The funeral service for James Coldrey will be available from 1.55pm on Tuesday 17th September by clicking here. Once the service has finished a recording of the service will be posted on this page. 

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Sep 14

Sunday 15th September – 16th Sunday after Trinity

Welcome to our Communion Service for the 16th Sunday after Trinity, whether you are joining us for the first time or are regularly with us. It is a pleasure to be able to bring you these services and worship together.  The church is open for public worship (8am and 9.15am on Sundays, 7.30pm Tuesdays & 10.30am […]

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Sep 13

Children’s Church: Jesus is the messiah. Mark 8 V27-38

Welcome to this week’s Children’s Church Sunday session: This week we are exploring ‘Jesus is the messiah’ by looking at the Bible reading from Mark 8 V27-38  Watch the bible videos below that will help you explore the bible reading some more: Now you have explored the bible reading why not see if you can […]

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Sep 06

Children’s Church: Sunday 8th September: Jesus heals

Welcome back to Children’s Church. We hope you have a great Summer and that you are looking forward to joining us for our Children’s Church sessions in person during our 9.15 service or online by viewing the content below!  This Sunday’s Bible reading is from Mark 7: V24-37 Watch the video’s below to help you […]

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