Funeral Service for Vi Shannon

Aug 15

The funeral service for Vi Shannon will be available from 1.55pm on Tuesday 20th August by clicking here.

Once the service has finished a recording of the service will be posted on this page. 

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(2) comments

Irene Totten August 23, 2024

With great sadness,I viewed the “Service of Thanksgiving” for my woderful friend of over 40 yrs Vi Shannon [Vi as she liked to be known]

A beautiful service,the perfect good bye for Vi.

Vi would be so proud of everyone at the Church & her family circle,in organising & carrying out her wishes.

Vi,[when we chatted on phone] spoke fondly of this Church & her “Faith” was very
important to her.

My thoughts are with her family circle,at this sad time.

I would like to give a donation [in memory of Vi] to this beautiful church”St Francis of Assisi.

This would be by “Card”, my E.mail address attached.


Irene [Totten]

    Jenny August 24, 2024

    Dear Irene,
    Thank you so much for your comments. Vi was such a lovely lady, it was a privilege to be able to preside over her funeral service.
    We will miss her greatly.

    Thank you too for your desire to make a donation. The easiest way for you to donate would be by visiting our website ( . If you scroll down the front page you will find a button near the bottom which says ‘click here to donate’.

    If this method does not work for you then please do get in touch and we can find another way.

    God bless
    Rev’d Canon Jenny

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